Friday, November 03, 2006

Best Funny Commercials: The Sequel

A little while ago did article called 'Top 10 Best Commercials of All Time', now I am doing its sequel. These are some great commercials that were not mention in the original article either because I forgot about them or I didn't know they existed.

Warning: Some of these commercials can be tasteless, or borderline obscene. Viewer discretion is advised.
Honorable Mentions


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Great Commercials with Small Rodents
So why do only 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Trident?

Verizon Ferret Commercial
Ferret attacks guy who tries to text for help.

Budweiser Compilation
A compilation of several Budweiser commercials (includes: Frogs, lizards, and ferrets).

Unknown said...

New Additions
PlayStation 9 Ad - This is the best ad I have ever seen from Sony.
Building Airplanes in the Sky! - This is an EDS commercial I only recently came across

Unknown said...

Yet another update...

John Moschitta the fast talking guy from the old FedEx commercials.