Friday, April 28, 2006

Democrats lose House vote on Net neutrality (Article)

CNET reports: "By a 34-22 vote, members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee rejected a Democratic-backed Net neutrality amendment that also enjoyed support from Internet and software companies including Microsoft, and Google."

'Net neutrality' as it is being called I believe is a good idea. Basically it prevents ISPs from charging large Internet site providers an extra fee for getting access to customers like you and me.

Also, what I have heard discussed is that some ISPs are not making enough profit from the Internet connectivity that they're sell us. So they want to provide tier service depending on how much information you download off the net. Basically as I understand the more you download, the more you pay.

What I have heard discussed is that some ISPs are not making enough profit from the Internet connectivity that they're sell us, so they want to provided tier service. Which someways they already doing this today, by providing different service plans for different fees.

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