Thursday, November 11, 2004

Gigaset M34 USB

Siemens Information and Communication Mobile (AKA Siemens Mobile) has released a new device called Gigaset M34 USB adapter, it provides internet telephony (VoIP) and messaging (such as: instant messaging, emails, etc.) solutions for cordless phone device. This device was developed in partnership with Skype, and their SkypeOut service.

The way the Gigaset M34 USB adapter works is that it plugs in your computer USB port, then plugs in your cordless phone. When you make long distance or international calls it uses the SkypeOut service to perform VoIP communications. The device also offer an open interface to enable third party developers to integrate their phones and applications into the device.

The Gigaset M34 USB adapter is suppose to be available in Europe as of September
2004. More information about the Gigaset is available on Siemens web site.

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